What to expect in the event of a School Elevated Security Notification
Use the online Bus Locator to find what bus you will be riding.
Bus Stop Locator
Blue or Black Pens
Pack of Highlighters
Wide Rule Notebook Paper
(2) One Subject Spiral Notebook - Wide Rule
Ear Buds
TI 30Xa Calculator (7th and 8th Grade only)
School Registration
Parent and Family Engagement Plan
网站系统维护中,敬请期待!:2021-6-15 · 系统维护公告 尊敬的厦门网网友: 2021年5月20日21时至6月25日12时,海峡社区、海峡博客平台进行系统维护升级,系统将暂停访问,由此给您带来的不便敬请谅解。
Parent and Family Engagement Plan Survey
Chromebook Information
All incoming sixth graders and new students will be issued a Chromebook at the start of the 2024-2021 school year. In order for each student to receive a Chromebook, his or her parent must complete the Chromebook Contract and view the Chromebook Contract video. Both items are linked below.
Chromebook Video
Chromebook Contract
School Supply List
Clear or Mesh backpacks or Drawstring Bags ONLY.
Clear See-Through Mesh Drawstring
Blue or Black Pens
Pack of Highlighters
Wide Rule Notebook Paper
(2) One Subject Spiral Notebook - Wide Rule
Ear Buds
TI 30Xa Calculator (7th and 8th Grade only)
Has your address or phone number changed?
The Escambia County School District arranges transportation and other services by referring to the address on file at your child's school. Please help us maintain accurate and timely service for your child, and ensure that we are able to contact you in the event of an emergency, by keeping your address and phone number current at your child's school.